Psychology ETDs
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State dependent learning as produced by a class of antipsychotic medication, the phenothiazines, was assessed for verbal recognition and recall memory functions in 24 schizophrenic inpatients. Subjects were initially trained on a paired-associate learning task (Phase I) and tested for stimulus recognition and response recall two weeks later (Phase II). Following double blind procedures for the administration of placebo, subjects were randomly and sequentially assigned to four drug treatment groups which specified their drug state during Phase I and II: no drug-no drug (ND-ND), drug-drug (D-D), no drug-drug (ND-D), and drug-no drug (D-ND). Subjects were also evaluated for cognitive skills relevant to the task and subjective distress levels at both phases of study. Results indicated that for recognition memory, initial learning in a drug-free condition produced significantly better retention than learning and testing under the influence of the medication. Poor recall memory, learning verbal material under the influence of phenothiazines produced significantly poorer recall than verbal learning in a phenothiazine free state and the learning that occurred appears conditional on that drug state. Implications for verbal psychotherapy with patients taking such medications are discussed.
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First Committee Member (Chair)
Karl Peter Koenig
Second Committee Member
Joseph Schenkel
Third Committee Member
John Paul Gluck Jr.
Fourth Committee Member
Richard T. Rada
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Cave, Susan E.. "State Dependent Learning Under Phenothiazines: Memory Functions Of Schizophrenics." (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/325