Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-27-1973
The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the effects of two primary conditions, presentation by ear and intratrial delay, on word recognition of subjects with receptive aphasia. The first condition consisted of words presented monaurally to the right and left ears, and binaurally. The second condition consisted of several values of delay inserted between the test word and visual choices. The effects of these variables were determined under noun and verb stimulus conditions. Results indicated that subjects with posterior brain-damage showed a monaural ear asymmetry with the right ear resulting in less accurate word recognition. Both ears combined gave poorer performance than the left ear alone, a disadvantage which was resolved through extended training. Longer values of delay tended to produce a decrease in performance for all aphasic subjects. Finally, a considerable difference in performance resulted between the two stimulus conditions with more accuracy shown with nouns than verbs. These findings were interpreted according to current theory on auditory processing and were related to the ear asymmetry and contralateral lesion effects reported in the literature.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Douglas Ferraro
Second Committee Member
Bruce Earl Porch
Third Committee Member
Sidney Rosenblum
Fourth Committee Member
John Marshall Rhodes
Fifth Committee Member
Joseph Parsons
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Peterson, David D.. "Effect of Presentation by Ear on Word Recognition of Aphasic Patients in a Delayed Matching Task." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/313