Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
In 1942 Crespi reported the results of an experiment in which rats were given runway training with one magnitude of reward and then shifted to another magnitude of reward. He found that animals shifted from a small to large reward showed an abrupt increase in performance, while Ss shifted from a large to small reward showed an immediate decrease in running speed. These changes in performance were found to exceed the performance levels expected from the absolute postshift magnitude of reinforcement. Crespi called these effects "elation" and "depression," respectively. Later, Zeaman (1949) conducted an experiment which closely paralleled Crespi's and which also showed elation and depression effects in the performance of rats exposed to shifts in the magnitude of reinforcement.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Frank A. Logan
Second Committee Member
G. Robert Grice
Third Committee Member
Louis E. Price
Fourth Committee Member
Douglas P. Ferraro
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Padilla, Amado M.. "An Analysis of Incentive and Behavioral Contrast." (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/308