Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 7-11-2018
Latinos, the largest racial/ethnic minority group in the US, face multiple health inequities including higher rates morbidity and mortality. Despite the importance of context and the wide range of stressors faced by this population, the majority of the literature on Latino and immigrant health concentrates on issues related to cultural adaptation processes. Using a socialdeterminants of health framework, the present convergent mixed methods study investigated the relation between neighborhood conditions and Latino health with a psychological lens. A total of 361 Latino residents of Bernalillo County, the largest county in Albuquerque, New Mexico, were recruited to complete a series of questionnaires. From this sample, participants were also invited to six focus groups stratified by language and neighborhood income level. A myriad of health-related impacts associated with neighborhood conditions were supported by both methods. Several key neighborhood factors emerged as predictors of health including neighborhood walkability and social cohesion. Stark differences were observed by social class and nativity status with immigrants and low-income neighborhood residents reporting the worse outcomes. Moreover, perceived stress emerged as an instrumental mediator, even when accounting for the effect of other factors. Findings are contextualized within the structural discrimination and social disorganization literatures. The present study underscores the need to address fundamental causes of inequities in order to decrease or eliminate the health inequity gap for Latinos.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Steven P. Verney
Second Committee Member
Kamilla Venner
Third Committee Member
Gabriel R. Sanchez
Fourth Committee Member
Felipe G. Castro
Latinos, health equity, mixed methods, immigrant health.
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Rodriguez Espinosa, Patricia. "Psychological Factors And The Relation Between Neighborhood Conditions And Latino Health: A Mixed Methods Study." (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/261