Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Computer-delivered interventions (CDI) for alcohol use comprise a relatively new treatment for individuals struggling with problematic drinking. While CDIs for alcohol misuse have proliferated over the last decade, much remains unknown about factors that influence their effectiveness. This study evaluated the performance of Overcoming Addictions (OA), a CDI based on the principles of SMART Recovery (SR). Subjects were drawn from a sample of 189 participants enrolled in a randomized clinical trial (RCT) that compared three and six-month outcomes for two interventions for problematic alcohol use: control participants were enrolled in SR meetings (face to face and/or online); experimental participants also had access to OA. Primary analyses of between group differences were conducted to detect an additive effect of OA. Further, this study explored variables thought to mediate the effectiveness of OA, and CDIs for problematic alcohol use more generally. Within the experimental group, analyses were conducted to examine whether participants amount of experience navigating the Internet accounted for any variance associated with positive outcomes; also, the study examined the mediating effect of two other closely related variables: participants' sense of how easy the website was to use, and whether participants were satisfied with the amount of content on the website. Primary analysis indicated that both the control and experimental groups showed significant improvement across outcome variables, although no additional benefit of OA was detected. Finally, no evidence was found to support the hypotheses for the identified variables thought to mediate the effectiveness of OA. Implications of this null finding are discussed.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Witherington, David C.
Second Committee Member
Gangestad, Steven W.
Third Committee Member
Moyers, Theresa B.
Fourth Committee Member
Woodall, William G.
alcohol, intervention, internet, web-based intervention
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Campbell, William P. IV. "A New Kind of Therapeutic Relationship: Exploring Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Computer-Delivered Interventions for Alcohol Use Disorders." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/19