Psychology ETDs
Maternal Interactive Behaviors and Developmental Outcomes in Preschoolers Born Very Low Birth Weight
Publication Date
Children born very low birth weight (VLBW) are at greater risk for cognitive and executive deficits than children born normal birth weight. One factor in development is parental wellbeing. Parents who report more depressive symptoms and lower perception of resources have poorer quality interactive behaviors. This study investigated the associations between maternal interactive behaviors during play and developmental outcomes in preschoolers born VLBW. A secondary goal was to understand the associations among maternal depressive symptoms, perception of resources, and interactive behaviors. A tertiary goal was to investigate racial and ethnic differences in maternal behaviors. Overall, one maternal behavior was negatively associated with a measure of executive functioning. Maternal depressive symptoms were negatively correlated with one maternal behavior and maternal perception of resources was negatively correlated with another maternal behavior. Additional analyses found a trend in racial and ethnic differences in attention directing behaviors between Caucasian and Native American mothers.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Goldsmith, Tim
Second Committee Member
Lowe, Jean
Very Low Birth Weight, Child Development, Maternal Well-Being, Cross-Cultural Parenting Behaviors
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Rieger, Rebecca E.. "Maternal Interactive Behaviors and Developmental Outcomes in Preschoolers Born Very Low Birth Weight." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/118