Physics & Astronomy ETDs
Publication Date
One of the most important diagnostic tools in the fields of medicine and industry is the use of penetrating radiation to detect flaws, inhomogeneities, and abnormal conditions within an object without permanently changing or destroying the object being inspected. The equipment, technique, and type of radiation employed vary widely between hospital, shop, or laboratory depending upon the particular conditions that are encountered and the results that are expected. Probably the most widely used radiation types are X-rays or gamma-rays and their applications in the above-mentioned fields need no further description. However, beams of thermal neutrons are becoming more and more important as the penetrating radiation in the field of industrial radioggraphy. Before neutron radiography can be used routinely in a production inspection procedure, there are many technical problems that must be solved. One of these is the production of a thermal neutron beam that is sufficiently collimated to produce an image with acceptable resolution. This paper will investigate the basic characteristics of the neutron beam produced by a Soller collimator and how these characteristics could effect the radiographic image of a neutron radiograph.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Physics & Astronomy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Christopher Pratt Leavitt
Second Committee Member
John L. Yarnell
Third Committee Member
Howard Carnes Bryant
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Morris, Roger A.. "An Investigation Of Neutron Collimators And Their Application In Neutron Radiography.." (1965). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/phyc_etds/292