Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
In this research, the authors provide a de nition among the Neutrosophic norm(NN)( terms of the summability property ( Nqn). We generalize the idea among Statistical Convergence (SC) in terms of NN by introducing the notion of ( Nqn)-summability with respect to NN( ... ) in ). Here, the novel strategy is referred to by the term neutrosophic weighted statistical convergence. We also investigated its dependence on the NN( ... ) in terms of statistical convergence and ( Nqn)-summability.
Recommended Citation
Jenifer, P.; M. Jeyaraman; and M. Mursaleen. "Weighted Statistical Convergence in Neutrosophic Normed Linear Spaces." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 79, 1 (2025).