Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
. In graph theory, the hypergraph [22] extends the traditional graph structure by allowing edges to connect multiple vertices, and this concept is further broadened by the superhypergraph [174,176]. Additionally, several types of uncertain graphs have been explored, including fuzzy graphs [136,153], neutrosophic graphs [35,36], and plithogenic graphs [66,75,185]. This study explores the SuperHyperGraph, Single-Valued Neutrosophic Quasi SuperHyperGraph, and Plithogenic Quasi SuperHyperGraph, analyzing their relationships with other graph classes. Future work will define the Semi Superhypergraph, Multi Superhypergraph, Pseudo Superhypergraph, Mixed Superhypergraph, and Bidirected Superhypergraph and examine their connections to existing classes in hypergraphs and graphs
Recommended Citation
Fujita, Takaaki and Florentin Smarandache. "A Concise Study of Some Superhypergraph classes." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 77, 1 (2025).