Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
The quality evaluation of university general education courses is a process that comprehensively assesses aspects such as teaching effectiveness, content design, teacher qualifications, and student feedback. Its purpose is to ensure that the courses effectively enhance students' overall competencies, such as critical thinking, communication skills, and social responsibility. Through a scientific evaluation system, course design can be optimized, teaching methods improved, and overall educational quality enhanced, fostering students' all-round development. The quality evaluation of university general education courses is useful MADM. The single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNSs) is useful approach to administrate fuzzy information during the quality evaluation of university general education courses. Currently, the Aczel-Alsina operations and power geometric (PG) approach was administrated to put forward the multiple-attribute decision-making (MADM). In this study, the single-valued neutrosophic number Aczel-Alsina power geometric (SVNNAAPG) approach is administrated in light with Aczel-Alsina operations and PG approach and SVNSs. The SVNNAAPG approach is administrated for MADM. Finally, numerical example for quality evaluation of university general education courses is administrated to conduct the SVNNAAPG approach. The major contributions of this work are tackled: (1) Aczel-Alsina operations and PG approach are enhanced under SVNSs; (2) SVNNAAPG approach is administrated in light with Aczel-Alsina operations and PG approach; (3) SVNNAAPG approach is tackled for MADM with SVNSs; (4) Finally, numerical example for quality evaluation of university general education courses is administrated to conduct the SVNNAAPG approach.
Recommended Citation
Zhao, Yimo. "Neutrosophic-Based Enhanced Framework for Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Using Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets in Evaluating Quality of University General Education Courses." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 75, 1 (2025).