Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
This study analyzed the factors influencing tax collection under the RIMPE regime in Ecuador, applying neutro-sophic logic to address the uncertainty and ambiguity inherent in decision-making within fiscal analysis. The employed methodology included an adaptation of the ELECTRE I method with bipolar neutrosophic numbers, enabling the integration of diverse perspectives into the decision-making process. The results obtained high-lighted the simplicity of the regime and the control of the SRI as the most influential factors in fiscal revenue col-lection. The approach applied in the study facilitates a more accurate and efficient evaluation of fiscal policies, promoting greater equity and efficiency in the tax system.
Recommended Citation
Hidalgo Achig, Myrian del Rocío; Mayra Alexandra Chicaiza Herrera; and Bryan Marcelo Barragán Pazmiño. "A Neutrosophic Approach to Analyzing Determining Factors in RIMPE Tax Collection in Ecuador." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 74, 1 (2024).