Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
The floricultural sector faces significant challenges concerning job stability, primarily due to fluctuations in de-mand, policies, and recruitment capacity. This study aims to analyze the relationship between various factors in-fluencing employability and labor sustainability within the economically active population in this sector. A plithogenic statistical analysis was conducted, utilizing observed and expected frequencies to examine the inter-relationships among the variables. The results revealed that labor demand directly impacts job stability, con-tributing to increased unemployment and underemployment. Additionally, recruitment and retention policies were found to have a limited effect, largely due to the high dependency on agricultural labor. It was concluded that adjustments to recruitment strategies and the diversification of labor opportunities are essential to enhance job stability and sustainability in the floricultural sector.
Recommended Citation
Faz Cevallos, Wilson Eduardo; Andrea Nicole Faz Tapia; Valeria Jessnia Faz Tapia; and Clara de las Mercedes Razo Ascazubi. "Plithogenic Statistical Analysis of Labor Demand and its Impact on Stability in the Floricultural Sector." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 74, 1 (2024).