
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems


Tomasz Witczak


In this paper we define the notion of possibly paraconsistent sets. We introduce algebraic operations on them and we analyze their properties. Moreover, it is shown that our class can be considered as isomorphic to the classes of intuitionistic and weak rough sets (with the assumption that intersection, union and complement are understood in an appropriate manner). Hence, the framework of paraconsistent sets can be treated as a new semantics for three-valued logic. Two less typical operations on possibly paraconsistent sets are studied too. They do not give us de Morgan algebra but rather a bisemilattice with only one absorption law. Finally, we pay attention to the fact that possibly paraconsistent sets can be treated as neutrosophic crisp sets of type 2. As for the exact isomorphism, it should be a matter of further research.



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