Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is an illness condition in which the glucose level is abnormal and causes harm to the peripheral nervous fibers originating the diabetic neuropathy. The major frequent damage occurs in the sensory-motor system, whose sym ptoms include alteration in tactile perception, temperature, and loss of sensitivity in hands and feet. The evidence for treatments that include neural mobilization is limited, so this study aims to determine if intervention strategies with neural mobilization improve both sensory and functional responses in the neuropathy diabetic peripheral. We selected plithogenic statistics to carry out the statistical study because this disease is dynamically influenced by multiple factors of different natures. Plithogenic sta tistics studies the random events that occur for the multiple random variables or parameters that determine them. Due to it being based on plithogeny, it is a generalization of dialectics where the neutral is incorporated. The advantage of using this tool is that we yield a more complete result of the study if we compare it to classical statistics.
Recommended Citation
Reales Chacón, Lisbeth Josefina; Josselyn G. Bonilla Ayala; Andrea Carolina Peñafiel Luna; Paul Adrian Arias cordova; and Angela Campos Moposita. "Utility of neurodynamic techniques in Diabetes Mellitus from the plitogenic statistical approach." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 67, 1 (2024).