Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
This paper is dedicated to defining and studying for the first time a two-fold algebra over the neutrosophic real number ring by merging the fuzzy set mapping with the algebraic operations of the neutrosophic real number ring. Also, we study the elementary algebraic properties of the defined two-fold algebra through its algebraic operations and substructures such as homomorphisms and ideals.
Recommended Citation
Shihadeh, Abdallah; Khaled Ahmad Matarneh; Raed Hatamleh; Randa Bashir Hijazeen; Abdallah Al-Husban; and Mowafaq Omar Al-Qadri. "n Example of Two-Fold Fuzzy Algebras Based On Neutrosophic Real Numbers." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 67, 1 (2024).