Neutrosophic Sets and Systems | Vol 60 | Iss 1

Neutrosophic Sets and Systems

Volume 60 (2024) Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 60, 2023



Study of the Pampay Mass (burial of offering) at the summit of the Andean snow-capped mountain as an example of (t,i,f)-Neutrosophic social structure
Edgar Gutiérrez-Gómez, Ketty Marilú Moscoso-Paucarchuco, Manuel Michael Beraún-Espíritu, Fabricio Miguel Moreno-Menéndez, Rafael Jesús Fernández-Jaime, Wilfredo Fredy Paco-Huamani, Michael Raiser Vásquez-Ramírez, and Jesús César Sandoval-Trigos


Neutrosophic Statistical Analysis on Gold Rate
Kala Raja Mohan, R. Narmada Devi, Nagadevi Bala Nagaram, T. Bharathi, and Suresh Rasappan


An Integrated Maple Package for Algebraic Interval Neutrosophic Matrices
Said Broumi, Mohamed Bisher Zeina, and Mohammad Abobala


Gateaux And Frechet Derivative In Neutrosophic Normed Linear Spaces
Jeyaraman. M, Mangayarkkarasi. A. N, Jeyanthi. V, and Pandiselvi M


On Treating Input Oriented Data Envelopment Analysis Model under Neutrosophic Environment
Basma E. El-Demerdash, S. A. Edalatpanah, and Hamiden Abd El- Wahed Khalifa


Study of the Circular Economy Model as a Strategy for the Development of Peru Based on Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps
Wilmer Ortega Chávez, Lidia Quispe Sotomayor, Jesús Tt ito Quispe, Janett Karina Vásquez Pérez, Elizabeth Pacheco Dávila, Astrit Madelaine Lino Talavera, and Roberth Lozano Tacuri Toribio


Using Neutrosophic Trait Measures to Analyze Impostor Syndrome in College Students after COVID-19 Pandemic with Machine Learning
Riya Eliza Shaju, Meghana Dirisala, Muhammad Ali Najjar, Ilanthenral Kandasamy, Vasantha Kandasamy, and F. Smarandache


Heptagonal Neutrosophic Topology
Kungumaraj E, Durgadevi S, and Tharani N. P


A Neutrosophic Bezier Curve Model using Control Points
Maziah Mahmud, Abd. Fatah Wahab, Mohammad Izat Emir Zulkifly, and Said Broumi


Properties of neutrosophic κ-ideals in subtraction semigroups
G. Muhiuddin, B. Elavarasan, K. Porselvi, and D. Al-Kadi


Enhancing Failure Mode and Effect Analysis with Neutrosophic Inverse Soft Expert Sets
Vijayabalaji S, Thillaigovindan N, Sathiyaseelan N, and Said Broumi


Plithogenic Statistical Study of Enviornmental Audit and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Junin Region Peru
Ketty Marilu Moscoso-Paucarchuco, Manuel Michael Beraun-Espíritu, Edgar Gutierrez-Gomez, Fabricio Miguel Moreno-Menendez, Michael Raiser Vasquez-Ramirez, Rafael Jesus Fernandez-Jaime, Jesus Cesar Sandoval-Trigos, and Paul Cesar Calderon-Fernandez


Examples of NeutroHyperstructures on Biological Inheritance
Fakhry Asad Agusfrianto, Madeleine Al-Tahan, Mariam Hariri, and Yudi Mahatma


The symbolic plithogenic differentials calculus
Yaser Ahmad Alhasan, F. Smarandache, and Raja Abdullah Abdulfatah

Full Issue


Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 60, 2023
Florentin Smarandache, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, and Said Broumi