Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Volume 55 (2023)
A Neutrosophic Evaluation Method of Engineering Certification Teaching Effect Based on Improved Entropy Optimization Model and Its Application in Student Clustering
Jingyuan Li, Fangwei Zhang, Y Jun, Yuanhong Liu, and Jianbiao Hu
Analysis of Teaching-Learning Efficiency Using Attribute Based Double Bounded Rough Neutrosophic Set Driven Random Forests
B Praba, Balambal Suryanarayanan, D. Nagarajan, and Said Broumi
Generalized OWA Operator of Orthopair Neutrosophic Numbers and Their Application in Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Problems
Jiancheng Chen, Jun Ye, and Angyan Tu
Neutrosophic speech recognition Algorithm for speech under stress by Machine learning
D. Nagarajan, S. Broumi, and Florentin Smarandache
Water Quality Evaluation Using Generalized Correlation Coefficient for M-Polar Neutrosophic Hypersoft Sets
Muhammad Saqlain, Muhammad Riaz, Natasha Kiran, Poom Kumam, and Miin-Shen Yang
MADM for Assessment the Nurses Knowledge and their Attitudes During Covid-19 Spread in Mosul City in the Perspective of Neutrosophic Environment
Ihsan H. Zainel and Huda E. Khalid
Expression and Analysis of Scale Effect and Anisotropy of Joint Roughness Coefficient Values Using Confidence Neutrosophic Number Cubic Values
Zhenhan Zhang and Jun Ye
Analyzing Critical Success Factors of IoT-Enabled Green Supply Chain Management Using Bipolar Neutrosophic-DEMATEL
Wafaa A. Saleh, Sherine M. Abdelkaderb, Heba Rashada, and Amal Abdelgawad
Neutrosophic Hybrid MCDM Framework to Evaluate the Risks of Excavation System
Ahmed Abdel-Monem and Ahmed Abdelhafeez
Novel Subsethood Measures for Totally DependentNeutrosophic Sets and Their Usage in Multiple Attribute Decision-Making
Sait Gül and Ali Aydoğdu
Theory on Duplicity of Finite Neutrosophic Rings
T. Chalapathi, K. Kumaraswamy Naidu, D. Harish Babu, and F. Smarandache
An Integrated Model for Ranking Risk Management in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) system
Abdullah Ali Salamai
An Asymmetric Measure of Comparison of Neutrosophic Sets
Surender Singh and Sonam Sharma
On Novel Hellinger Divergence Measure of Neutrosophic Hypersoft Sets in Symptomatic Detection of COVID-19
Himanshu Dhumras and Rakesh Kumar Bajaj
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Ideals in �� Rings
P Durgadevi and Ezhilmaran Devarasan
Neutrosophic RHO –Ideal with Complete Neutrosophic RHO– Ideal in RHO–Algebras
Arkan Ajil Atshan and Shuker Mahmood Khalil
A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps on Covid Variants
Regan Murugesan, Yamini Parthiban, R. Narmada Devi, Kala Raja Mohan, and Sathish Kumar Kumarave
A study on n-HyperSpherical Neutrosophic matrices
V. Muthukumaran, M. Sathish Kumar, I. Silambarasan, R. Udhayakumar, and Said Broumi
Decision-making techniques based on similarity measures of possibility neutrosophic soft expert sets
Faisal Al-Sharqi, Yousef Al-Qudah, and Naif Alotaibi
A Total Order on Single Valued and Interval Valued Neutrosophic Triplets
V Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam and Bharanidharan R
On Neutrosophic Homeomorphisms via Neutrosophic Functions
P. Basker and Broumi Said
Neutrosophic 2−normed spaces and generalized summability
Sajid Murtaza, Archana Sharma, and Vijay Kumar
New approach to bisemiring theory via the bipolar valued neutrosophic normal sets
M. Palanikumar, G. Selvi, Ganeshsree Selvachandran, and Sher Lyn Tan
Application Of Some Topological Indices In Nover Topologized Graphs
G. Muthumari and R. Narmada Devi
Neutrosophic Generalized Exponential Distribution with Application
Gadde Srinivasa Rao, Mina Norouzirad, and Danial Mazarei
Hyperbolic Sine Similarity Measure of SVNSs for Open-Pit Mine Slope Stability Classification and Assessment
Yi Ding and dJun Ye
Neutrosophic Logic-based DIANA Clustering algorithm
Azeddine Elhassouny
Closed neutrosophic dominating set in neutrosophic graphs
Amir Majeed and Nabeel Arif
Introduction to anti-bitopological spaces
Jeevan Krishna Khaklary and Tomasz Witczak
A Novel Approach Towards Parameter Reduction Based on Bipolar Hypersoft Set and Its Application to Decision-Making
Sagvan Y. Musa and Baravan A. Asaad
Extension of G-Algebras to SuperHyper G-Algebras
Marzieh Rahmati and Mohammad Hamidi
Real Examples of NeutroGeometry & AntiGeometry
Florentin Smarandache
A Study of NeutroAlgebra and AntiAlgebra of Ideals in a Factor Ring
A. A. A. Agboola and M. A. Ibrahim
Full Issue
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 55, 2023
Florentin Smarandache, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, and Said Broumi