Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Volume 52 (2022)
Alimony in Students of Legal Age as a Fundamental Right to Education
Alex Fabián Solano Moreno, Josué Ramón Limaico Mina, Diego Vladimir Garcés Mayorga, and Paul Orlando Piray Rodríguez
Analysis of the Legal Treatment of Perfidy
Merly Claribel Moran Giler, Alexandra Dolores Molina Manzo, Nelson Francisco Freire Sánchez, and Rene Estalin Portilla Paguay
Limiting Factors of Extenuating Circumstances Using Neutrosophic 2-Tuple
Diego Fabricio Tixi Torres, Carlos Gilberto Rosero Martínez, Ned Vito Quevedo Arnaiz, and Jorge Gabriel Del Pozo Carrasco
Success Factors in the Joint Custody Process to Guarantee the Well-being of the Minor
Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita, Cesar Eduardo Ochoa Díaz, Leonardo Toapanta Jiménez, and Mónica Alexandra Salame Ortiz
Application of Compensatory Fuzzy Logic to a Legal Analysis of Abandonment of Causes
Alex Fabián Solano Moreno, Alipio Absalón Cadena Posso, Danilo Rafael Andrade Santamaría, and Yanhet Lucía Valverde Torres
Criminal Protection of Copyright. Analysis from the Work and Professional Experience of its Actors
Rosa Evelyn Chuga Quemac, Luis Fernando Piñas Piñas, Cynthia Paulina Cisneros Zúñiga, and Edison Joselito Naranjo Luzuriaga
Neutrosophic Analysis of the Violation of Rights of People Belonging to Priority Groups in Ecuador using Multicriteria Methods
Diego Fabricio Tixi Torres, Lilian Fabiola Haro Terán, Pablo Miguel Vaca Acosta, and Diego Fernando Coka Flores
Neutrosophic Analysis of the Right to Housing
Jairo Mauricio Puetate Paucar, Miguel Angel Guambo Llerena, Génesis Karolina Robles Zambrano, and Laura Marlene Ochoa Escobar
Multicriteria Study of the Violation of the Principle of Innocence in Traffic Accidents
Eduardo Luciano Hernández Ramos, Carlos Gilberto Rosero Martinez, Janneth Ximena Iglesias Quintana, and Alex Javier Peñafiel Palacio
Neutrosophic IADOV in the Analysis of Child Labor and its Causes
Raúl Fabricio Sánchez Santacruz, Mesías Elías Machado Maliza, Cristina Mercedes Rosero Morán, and Andrea Katherine Bucaram Caicedo
Violation of the Rights of Older Adults
Genaro Vinicio Jordán Naranjo, Nelly Valeria Vinueza Ochoa, Mónica Del Roció Mosquera Endara, and Jessica Johanna Santander Moreno
Limitations for the Application of Indigenous Justice in Ecuado
Raúl Clemente Ilaquiche Licta, Luis Andrés Crespo Berti, Marco Rodrigo Mena Peralta, and Paul Orlando Piray Rodríguez
Neutrosophic Analysis of Legal Fissures in Family Protection
Mónica Isabel Mora Verdezoto, Carlos Ramiro Hurtado Lomas, Eugenio Javier Escobar Gonzales, and Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita
Neutrosophic Study of Gender Identity Models in Teaching Practices
Julio Alfredo Paredes López, Iyo Alexis Cruz Piza, Luis Rodrigo Miranda Chávez, and Miguel Ángel Guambo Llerena
Neutrosophic Analysis of the State Negotiation System
Jessica Jasmin Cellán Palacios, Fausto Danilo Guaigua Vízcaino, José Ignacio Cruz Arboleda, and Héctor Edin Lozano Rojas
Neutrosophic Element Res Nullius in Adoption Procedures
Mónica Isabel Mora Verdezoto, José Ignacio Cruz Arboleda, Carlos Alfredo Medina Riofrio, and Víctor Hugo Lucero Salcedo
Use of NeutroAlgebra for the Analysis of the Poor State of the Social Rehabilitation System in Babahoyo
Marcelo Raúl Dávila Castillo, Robert Alcides Falconí Herrera, Luis Andrés Crespo Berti, and Oscar Fabian Villacrés Duche
Comparison of Neutrosophic Operators of Personality in Lawyers of the City of Santo Domingo
Germán Fabricio Acurio Hidalgo, Fernando José Caicedo Banderas, Ignacio Fernando Barcos Arias, and Sheila Belén Esparza Pijal
Neutrosophic Analysis of the Judging of Contraventions Committed in Indigenous Justice
Raúl Clemente Ilaquiche Licta, Felipe Alejandro Garcés Córdova, Luis Ramiro Ayala Ayala, and Kleber Eduardo Carrión León
Application of a Neutrosophic Soft Set Model to Animal Abandonment and its Consideration as Mistreatment
Esperanza Del Pilar Araujo Escobar, Juan Carlos Arandia Zambrano, Carlos Fernando Soria Mesías, and Jorge Alfredo Eras Díaz
Effectiveness of the Legal Rules that Protect Disabled People through Neutrosophic Techniques
Santiago Fernando Fiallos Bonilla, Diego Xavier Chamorro Valencia, Diego Vladimir Garcés Mayorga, and Eduardo Luciano Hernández Ramos
Neutrosophic Analysis of the Nursing Care Process in the Teaching of Nursing
Roberto Enrique Alvarado Chacón, Adisnay Rodríguez Plasencia, and Olga Mireya Alonzo Pico
Application of Neutrosophy to the Analysis of Open Government, its Implementation and Contribution to the Ecuadorian Judicial System
Gustavo Adolfo Álvarez Gómez, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vázquez, and Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo
Neutrosophic Statistical Analysis of Behavioral Medicine Knowledge in University Students
Kenia Mariela Peñafiel Jaramillo, Denisse Isabel Suaste Pazmiño, and Alex Ramón Valencia Herrera
Student Competences and Neutrosophic Personality Operators in Law Students at the University of Chimborazo
Paul Alejandro Centeno Maldonado, Alipio Absalón Cadena Posso, Gabriela Paulina León Burgos, and Leny Cecilia Campaña Muñoz
SVNS-based multicriteria methods for the selection of management elements for academic diplomacy
Otto Federico von Feigenblatt
Use of Neutrosophy in the Evaluation of a Health Education Program for Undergraduate Medical Students
Andrea Suárez López, María Isabel Fong Betancourt, and Diana Lorena Jordán Fiallos
Neutrosophic Study on the Levels of Physical Activity in Undergraduate Medical Students
Daniela Abigail Cobo Álvarez, Jeanneth Elizabeth Jami Carrera, and Gerardo Emilio Medina Ramírez
Neutrosophic Linguistic Scale for Self-Assessment of Knowledge about Non-Communicable Diseases in Medical Students
Daniela Abigail Cobo Álvarez, Karla Indira Hurtado Serrano, Abdel Bermúdez del Sol, and María de Lourdes Llerena Cepeda
Neutrosophic Study of Knowledge about Hemiplegia
Alex Gabriel Lara Jacome, Mercedes Isabel Guamán Guamán, Kenia Mariela Peñafiel Jaramillo, and Kathya Verónica Suaste Pazmiño
Neutrosophic Analysis of the Self-Assessment of Pharmacology Knowledge in Medical Students
María Gabriela Balarezo García, Jeanneth Elizabeth Jami Carrera, and Álvaro Paúl Moina Veloz
Neutrosophic Linguistic Scale in the Assessment of Knowledge of Psychosomatic Medicine in University Students
Walter Alberto Vayas Valdiviezo, Lester Wong Vázquez, and Francisco Xavier Poveda Paredes
Neutrosophic Statistical Analysis of Self-Assessment of Rehabilitation Knowledge in University Students
Elizabeth Cristina Mayorga Aldaz, Rosita Elizabeth Olivo Torres, Silvia Tatiana Tite Andi, and Flor Betzabet Morocho Quinchuela
Neutrosophic study of Bullying due to Parental Sexual Identity
Marcelo Raúl Dávila Castillo, Cristian Fernando Benavides Salazar, Eugenio Javier Escobar Gonzáles, and Betty Cumandá Pérez Mayorga
Neutrosophic Analysis of Risk Factors in the Etiology of Cerebral Palsy
Piedad Elizabeth Acurio Padilla, Andrés Eduardo Gallegos Cobo, and Blanca Cristina Estrella López
Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps for the Analysis of the Factors in the proper Diagnosis of Conversion Disorder
Jenny Olivia Caicedo Rodríguez, Álvaro Paúl Moina Veloz, and Silvia Tatiana Tite Andi
Treatment Alternatives to Gingival Hyperpigmentation using Neutrosophic Correlation Coefficients
Fernando Marcelo Armijos Briones, José Israel Castillo González, Jaime Fernando Armijos Moreta, and Catalina Del Rosario Boada Zurita
Neutrosophic Linguistic Scale for the Assessment of Knowledge of Natural and Traditional Medicine in Dental Students
Rolando Manuel Benites, Jorge David Morales Cobos, and Javier Estuardo Sánchez Sánchez
Relevance of the Obstacles to the Achievement of Food Sovereignty in Ecuador, Analysis through the Neutrosophic Soft Set
Tannia Cristina Poveda Morales, Silvia Elizabeth Bonilla Veloz, and Diego Armando Freire Muñoz
Neutrosophic Analysis of Nutritional Orientation in University Students
María Gabriela Balarezo García, Andrés Eduardo Gallegos Cobo, and Miguel Eduardo Ramos Argilagos
Conducive Factors of Adolescent Pregnancy in Ecuador through Neutrosophic Statistics
Lenin Carlos Gabriel Flores, Iruma Alfonso Gonzáles, Kenia Mariela Peñafiel Jaramillo, and Olga Cristina Solis Solis
Analysis of Sustainable Development Indicators through Neutrosophic Correlation Coefficients
Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo, Ariel José Romero Fernández, Tanya Tupamara Camargo Martínez, and Wilson Alfredo Cacpata Calle
Analysis of the Right to Monetary Contribution for Illness through Neutrosophic Statistics
Manaces Esaud Gaspar Santos, Nelson Francisco Freire Sánchez, Javier Dario Bosquez Remache, and Manuel Ricardo Velázquez
Neutrosophic Analysis of the Determinants of the Restoration of Democracy
Ingrid Joselyne Diaz Basurto, Janneth Ximena Iglesias Quintana, Víctor Hugo Lucero Salcedo, and Mónica Alexandra Salame Ortiz
Neutrosophic Analysis of the Irrational Exploitation of Natural Resources
María Lorena Merizalde Avilés, Sheila Belén Esparza Pijal, Milton Rodrigo Hidalgo Ruiz, and Simón Bolívar Gallegos Gallegos
Application of Neutrosophy in the Study of the Factors that Influence Ecuadorian Tourism Development
Sharon Diznarda Álvarez Gómez, Ariel José Romero Fernández, and Manuel Ricardo Rivas Bravo
Neutrosophic Genetic Algorithm for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with uncertain travel times
Rafael Rojas-Gualdron and Florentin Smarandache