Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Volume 50 (2022)
Fixed Point Theorem of Weak Compatible Maps of Type (y) in Neutrosophic Metric Space
A.N. Mangayarkkarasi, V. Jeyanth, M. Jeyaraman, and V.B. Shakila
An Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Neutrosophic Sets, Rough sets, Graph Theory, Fuzzy sets and its Extended Approach: A Literature Review
Broumi Said, Malayalan Lathamaheswari, Prem Kumar Singh, A. Ait Ouallane, Abdellah Bakhouyi, Assia Bakali, Mohamed Talea, Alok Dhital, and Nagarajan Deivanayagampillai
Characterization of γ-Single Valued Neutrosophic Rings and Ideals
Muhammad Shazib Hameed, Zaheer Ahmad, and Shahbaz Ali
An Investigation in the Initial Solution for Neutrosophic Transportation Problems (NTP)
Maissam Jdid and Huda E. Khalid
A Study of Neutrosophic Cubic Hesitant Fuzzy Hybrid Geometric Aggregation Operators and its Application to Multi Expert Decision Making System
Ateeq Ur Rehman, Muhammad Gulistan, Zahid Khan, and Fuad S. Al-Duais
A Study on Neutrosophic Algebra
T. Nagaiah, L. Bhaskar, P. Narasimha Swamy, and Said Broumi
An MCDM Technique Using Cosine and Set-Theoretic Similarity Measures for Neutrosophic hypersoft set
Aiyared Iampan, Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa, Imran Siddique, and Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain
Cosine and Set-Theoretic Similarity Measures for Generalized Multi-Polar Neutrosophic Soft Set with Their Application in Decision Making
Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain, Aiyared Iampan, Imran Siddique, and Hamiden Abd ElWahed Khalifa
NeutroAlgebra of Idempotents in Group Rings
Vasantha Kandasamy and Ilanthenral Kandasamy
Neutrosophic Fuzzy X-Sub algebra of Near-Subtraction Semigroups
J.Siva Ranjini and V. Mahalakshmi
Neutrosophic Goal Programming Approach for the Dash Diet Model
Srikant Gupta, Ahteshamul Haq, and Irfan Ali
Multi-objective Production Planning Problem: Interval-valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic and Multi-Choice Parameters
Ahteshamul Haq, Mohd Arif Khan, and Aquil Ahmed
Single Valued Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic Graphs
Suman Das, Rakhal Das, and Surapati Pramanik
On New Types of Weakly Neutrosophic Crisp Closed Functions
Ali Hussein Mahmood Al-Obaidi, Qays Hatem Imran, and Murtadha Mohammed Abdulkadhim
Theory and Applications of Fermatean Neutrosophic Graphs
Said Broumi, R. Sundareswaran, M. Shanmugapriya, Assia Bakali, and Mohamed Talea
Neutrosophic Orbit Continuous Mappings
T. Madhumathi and F. Nirmala Irudayam
Balanced Neutrosophic Graphs
S Sivasankar and Said Broum
Within the Protection of COVID-19 Spreading: A Face Mask Detection Model Based on the Neutrosophic RGB with Deep Transfer Learning.
Nour Eldeen Khalifa, Mohamed Loey, Ripon K. Chakrabortty, and Mohamed Hamed N.Taha
An effective container inventory model under bipolar neutrosophic environment
C. Sugapriya, S. Rajeswari, D. Nagarajan, Zarife Zararsız, and Zakiya Said Mahad Al Amri
Multi-objective Mathematical Model for Asset Portfolio Selection using Neutrosophic Goal Programming Technique
Rahul Chaudhury and Sahidul Islam
On Nβ*-Closed sets in Neutrosophic Topological spaces
R Subasree and Kodi K. Basari
HSSM- MADM Strategy under SVPNS environment
Suman Das, Bimal Shil, and Surapati Pramanik
Some Mappings in -Neutrosophic Supra Topological Spaces
M. Arockia Dasan and V.F. Little Flower
Hyperbolic Cosine Similarity Measure Based MADM-Strategy under the SVNS Environment
Bimal Shil, Rakhal Das, Carlos Granados, Suman Das, and Bipul Das Chowdhury
Neutrosophic Stable Random Variables
Azzam Mustafa Nouri, Omar Zeitouny, and Sadeddin Alabdallah
Neutrosophic Hypersoft Expert Set: Theory and Applications
Muhammad Ihsan, Muhammad Saeed, and Atiqe Ur Rahman
Neutrosophic N −structures on Sheffer stroke BCH-algebras
Tahsin Oner, Tugce Katican, and Akbar Rezaei
Introduction to Neutrosophic Restricted SuperHyperGraphs and Neutrosophic Restricted SuperHyperTrees and several of their properties
Masoud Ghods, Zahra Rostami, and Florentin Smarandache
Soft Neutrosophic Quasigroups
Anthony Oyem, Temıtope Gbolahan Jaiyeola, Johnson Olajire Olaleru, and Benard Osoba
Rough Neutrosophic Ideals in a Ring
V.S. Subha, G. Rajaseka, and S. Soundaravalli
Neutrosophic ℵ-filters in semigroups
B. Elavarasan, K. Porselvi, Y.B. Jun, and G. Muhiuddin
A Novel Intelligent Multi-Attributes Decision-Making Approach Based on Generalized Neutrosophic Vague Hybrid Computing
Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Saeed, and Atiqe Ur Rahman
An Enumeration Technique for Transshipment Problem in Neutrosophic Environment
Ashok Kumar, Ritika Chopra, and Ratnesh Rajan Saxena
An Innovative Neutrosophic Combinatorial Approach Towards the Fusion and Edge Detection of MR Brain Medical Images
Premalatha Rathnasabapathy and Dhanalakshmi Palanisam
Eigenspace of a Circulant Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft Matrix
M Kavitha and P Murugadass
Types of Semi Continuous functions in Linguistic Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
N. Gayathri and Dr. M. Helen
On Characterizations of ($, ε, ς)-Single Valued Neutrosophic Hyperrings and Hyperideals
Muhammad Shazib Hameed, Zaheer Ahmad, Said Broumi, and Shahbaz Ali
Introduction to the IndetermSoft Set and IndetermHyperSoft Set
Florentin Smarandache
MADM Technique Using Tangent Trigonometric SvNN Aggregation Operators for the Teaching Quality Assessment of Teachers
Mailing Zhao and Jun Ye
Full Issue
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol.50, 2022
Florentin Smarandache, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, and Said Broumi