Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Volume 47 (2021)
Statistical Development of the Neutrosophic Lognormal Model with Application to Environmental Data
Zahid Khan, Adnan Amin, Sajjad Ahmad Khan, and Muhammad Gulistan
Einstein Aggregation Operators of Simplified Neutrosophic Indeterminate Elements and Their Decision-Making Method
Xueping Lu, Tong Zhang, Yiming Fang, and Jun Ye
Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Analysis using Distance-Based Similarity Measure of Neutrosophic Sets
Norzieha Mustapha, Suriana Alias, Roliza Md Yasin, Ilyani Abdullah, and Said Broumi
Interval-Type Fuzzy Linear Fractional Programming Problem in Neutrosophic Environment: A Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Approach
Hamiden Abd El- Wahed Khalifa and Pavan Kumar
SVPNS-MADM strategy based on GRA in SVPNS Environment
Suman Das, Bimal Shil, and Surapati Pramanik
NN-TOPSIS strategy for MADM in neutrosophic number setting
Kalyan Mondal, Surapati Pramanik, and Bibhas C. Giri
Topology on Ultra Neutrosophic Set
Suman Das, Rakhal Das, and Surapati Pramanik
Complex Bipolar- Valued Neutrosophic S
Ashraf Al-Quran, Shawkat Alkhazaleh, and Lazim Abdullah
New Generalized Closed Set in ℵeutrosophic Topological Spaces.
Md. Hanif Page, Sujata S. Tallur, and R. Dhavaseelan
Multi-Objective Inventory Model with Deterioration under Space Constraint: Neutrosophic Hesitant Fuzzy Programming Approach
Sahidul Islam and Kausik Das
Similarity Measure for m-Polar Interval Valued Neutrosophic Soft Set with Application for Medical Diagnoses
Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain, Imran Siddique, Muhammad Asif, Shahzad Ahmad, Said Broumi, and Sehrish Ayaz
Complex Neutrosophic Matrix with Some Algebraic Operations and Matrix Norm Convergence
Mahima Poonia and Rakesh Kumar Bajaj
Neutrosophic Fuzzy Boundary Value Problem under Generalized Hukuhara Differentiability
Bassem A. Kamal, A. A. Salama, M. Shokry, Magdi S. El-Azab, and Galal I. El-Baghdady
Generalized closed sets and pre-closed sets via Bipolar single-valued neutrosophic Topological Spaces
Christy V and Mohana K
A New Approach for Solving Bi-Level Multi-Objective NonLinear Programming Model under Neutrosophic Environment
Azza H. Amer and Mahmoud A. Abo-Sinna
Split Domination in Neutrosophic Graphs
M. Mullai, S. Broumi, R. Jeyabalan, and R. Meenakshi
Single Valued Neutrosophic VIKOR and Its Application to Wastewater Treatment Selection
Nor Liyana Amalini Mohd Kamal, Lazim Abdullah, Fu Ming Yee, Ilyani Abdullah, and Nazanin Vafaei
P and R Order of Plithogenic Neutrosophic Cubic sets
S.P. Priyadharshini and F. Nirmala Irudayam
New Notions On Neutrosophic Random Variables
Carlos Granados
On Neutrosophic Vague Binary BZMVdM Sub - algebra of BZMVdM- algebra In Neutrosophic Vague Binary Sets
P. B. Remya and A. Francina Shalin
On Neutrosophic Γ-Semirings
Yella Bhargavi and Akbar Rezaei
An Efficient Enumeration Technique for a Transportation Problem in Neutrosophic Environment
Ashok Kumar, Ritika Chopra, and Ratnesh Rajan Saxena
A Nonlinear Programming Model to Solve Matrix Games with Pay-offs of Single-valued Neutrosophic Numbers
Mijanur Rahaman Seikh and Shibaji Dutta
Some Topological Character of Neutrosophic normed spaces
Vakeel A. Khan and Mohammad Daud Khan
Pythagorean Neutrosophic Dombi Fuzzy Graphs with an Application to MCDM
P. Chellamani and D. Ajay
Selection a Suitable Supplier for Enhancing Supply Chain Management under Neutrosophic Environment
Hager Hosny, Ibrahim EL-Henawey, and Samah Abo-ElHadid
Single Valued Neutrosophic Hypersoft Expert Set with Application in Decision Making
Muhammad Ihsan, Atiqe Ur Rahman, and Muhammad Saeed
Optimal Supplier Selection Via Decision-Making Algorithmic Technique Based on Single-Valued Neutrosophic Fuzzy Hypersoft Set
Muhammad Saeed, Atiqe Ur Rahman, and Ume-e Farw
Games Based on Simplified Neutrosophic Multiplicative Soft Sets and Their Applications
H¨useyin Kamacı
Properties on Topologized Domination in Neutrosophic Graphs
R.Narmada Devi and G. Muthumari
View On Neutrosophic Over Topologized Domination Graphs
R.Narmada Devi and G. Muthumari
Generalized Neutrosophic Semirings
Muhammad Gulistan, Inayatur Rehman, Muhammad Shahzad, Shah Nawaz, and Salma Khan
On Independence Neutrosophic Random Variables
Carlos Granados and José Sanabria
Practical Applications of the Independent Neutrosophic Components and of the Neutrosophic Offset Components
Florentin Smarandache
Generalized Euclid Measures Based on Generalized Set Valued Neutrosophic Quadruple Numbers and Multi Criteria Decision Making Applications
Memet Şahin, Abdullah Kargın, and Merve Sena Uz
An Introduction to Neutrosophic Vague Refined set
A.Angel Marina and A. Francina Shalin
Neutrosophic implicative UP-filters, neutrosophic comparative UP-filters, and neutrosophic shift UP-filters of UP-algebras
Metawee Songsaeng, Kar Ping Shum, Ronnason Chinram, and Aiyared Iampan
Full Issue
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, vol. 47, 2021
Florentin Smarandache, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, and Said Broumi