Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Study of the Role of the Teacher Woman as Researcher and Manager of the Peruvian University using an Indeterminate Likert Scale
This paper analyzes the role of the university women in teaching, from their participation as a researcher and manager in public and private universities in Peru, assuming commitments and tangibleactions to achieve the institutionalization, strengthening, increasing and promotion ofwomen in more activities,includingthe management of academic and research in-stitutions. More than 50% of university students are women. Of the total teaching positions, only a third of them are occupied by women in private universitiesand a fifth in public universities. Access to university government follows this elusive trend for women. The table of researchersin the Scientific National registration and of Technological Innovation in Peru aboutthe role of women presentsa very positive reading, however, it is concluded that social, economic and cultural barriers are still strong that hinder gender equality. Achieving greater intervention and commitment from women requires a reflective and critical attitude.This paperaims to study how women and men perceive gender parity in their campuses within the Peruvian university environ-ment through a survey on this topic. For this,we use an Indeterminate Likert Scale, which we prefer over a classic Likert Scale, because it allowsus to capture the opinion and sentiment of the respondent in more detail
Recommended Citation
Gallegos Ruiz Conejo, Ada Lucia; Luisa Adriana Rodríguez Zavala; Flor Marlene Luna Victoria Mori; and Doris Renata Teodori De La Puente. "Study of the Role of the Teacher Woman as Researcher and Manager of the Peruvian University using an Indeterminate Likert Scale." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 44, 1 (2021).