Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
The dissemination of culture is an activity assumed by teaching institutions. Knowing the cultural elements that characterize each nation allows to preserve the cultural heritage. However, quantifying this result represents a complex task to perform. This research proposes a solution to the problem posed with the design of a multicriteria method for the evaluation of cultural diffusion. The method uses neutrosophical numbers to model uncertainty. The proposal introduced the results in UNIANDES, Ibarra and it was found that it has a high rate of cultural diffusion.
Recommended Citation
Hernández Infante, Rafael Carlos; María Elena Infante Miranda; Francisco René Rivadeneira Enríquez; and César Josué Galeano Páez. "Neutrosophic causal modeling for analyzing the diffusion of the institutional culture: the case UNIANDES." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 34, 1 (2020).