Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Absorption chillers are a good option for air-conditioning applications and can be operated by low grade energy which makes them environmentally friendly. Common absorption chillers have four main internal components (generator, evaporator, condenser and absorber) and operate between four temperature levels (which are assumed to be of infinite heat capacity in most studies). Heat transfer interactions that occur between the heat reservoirs and the internal components are of high importance to determine the efficiency and cooling capacity of absorption chillers. The purpose of this study is to quantify the performance of an absorption chiller that interacts with finite heat capacity reservoirs. To accomplish this, the effectiveness-NTU method is applied to an infinite heat capacity model in order to derive a finite heat capacity model. Then, a second law analysis along with a thermo-ecological criterion is applied to determine the best compromise between efficiency and cooling load. Systems input parameter variations are an important tool, while determining the efficiency-cooling capacity compromise. With the results found in this study, insight into future research regarding this type of systems will be gained.'
Absorption chiller, Second law analysis, Efficiency power criterion, Four-temperature-level, Efficiency-cooling load compromise
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Truman, C. Randall
Second Committee Member
Poroseva, Svetlana
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Rios, Dionicio. "Second law analysis and the application of the efficient power criterion to a four-temperature-level absorption chiller." (2015). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/31