Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-15-2021
Additive manufacturing (AM) is increasingly becoming a viable manufacturing process due to dramatic advantages that it facilitates in the material selection and design complexity. This paper investigates the potential of additively manufactured lattice structures for the application of dissipating impact energy. In this research the role of geometry and material properties on the static and dynamic energy absorption properties of additively manufactured wave spring lattices composed of various materials were studied under drop/impact and compression tests. A finite element simulation of the lattice structure was also conducted, although the results were overall inconclusive, it gave some great insight into the structure’s behavior. The compression test illustrates the lattice’s ability to absorb energy by calculating the area under the load-displacement curve. The dynamic loading effects of the drop tower tests supports the lattice’s ability to dissipate more energy than the traditional honeycomb configuration.
Wave Spring, Linear Wave Spring, Lattice Energy Absorption, Energy Dissipation, Impact Plate, Impact Resistance, Impact Absorption
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Tariq Khraishi
Second Committee Member
Dr. Yu-Lin Shen
Third Committee Member
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Youchison, James. "Three-Dimensional Lattices as Effective Impact Absorption Layers for Space Applications." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/210