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LGBTQ migrants in the United States and around the world often lack documentation and consistently risk detention and deportation. Eithne Luibhéid and Karma R. Chávez discuss how and why they created an edited collection that explores how LGBTQ migrants and allies negotiate, resist, refuse and critique these processes while working to build futures that foster thriving for all. They also share excerpts from their own essays in the collection. Karma R. Chávez teaches, writes, and currently serves as chair in the Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies at the University of Texas at Austin where she also holds several afiliate faculty appointments. She has published three co-edited volumes; a book of interviews called Palestine on the Air (U of Illinois Press, 2019); and monographs entitled Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities (U of Illinois Press, 2013) and The Borders of AIDS: Race, Quarantine, and Resistance (U of Washington Press, 2021). Eithne Luibheid is Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Arizona (UA) and the former Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies at UA. She is the author of Entry Denied: Controlling Sexuality at the Border (University of Minnesota Press 2002) and Pregnant on Arrival: Making the ‘Illegal’ Immigrant (University of Minnesota Press, 2013); the co-editor of three volumes; and the editor of a special issue of the Journal of Lesbian Studies on “Lives that Resist Telling: Migrant and Refugee Lesbians” (2020) and GLQ on “Queer Migrations” (2008).
Publication Date
Spring 1-19-2021
Queer Studies, Trans Studies, Migration, Latin America
Recommended Citation
Chávez, Karma and Eithne Luibheid. "Queer and Trans Migrations: Dynamics of Illegalization, Detention, and Deportation." (2021).