History ETDs
Publication Date
The first goal of this thesis is to establish a chronology of events in order to elucidate the development of a gay community in Albuquerque. It will then examine the ways in which the gay community articulated the issues it considered important. It will also show how the community addressed these issues. Finally, it will focus on the Albuquerque gay community's efforts to affect political change. This section will focus on attempts to include gay people in civil rights legislation. Also, it will consider the impact of AIDS on the gay community's political agenda.
It is noteworthy that gay people who choose to be visible enough to organize institutions serving other gays may not represent the general gay population. In fact, the predominant gay organizations in Albuquerque represent a very specific segment of the gay population. Since at least 1978 leadership in the gay community has been in the hands of white middle class professional males; thus, throughout this thesis use of the term gay will refer to men, specifically those who took leadership roles. Although the focus is on gay males it must be noted that these men have always expressed a desire to include women, minorities, and members of different economic classes. A rift between gay men and women has been central to the gay movement nationwide, and Albuquerque has fit that model; thus, at times specific reference will be made to gay women to indicate their involvement. When necessary for clarity gay men and women will be used, otherwise reference will be made to gay people. By the mid-l 980s Albuquerque's gay people had been organized under the leadership of professional gay men. This thesis will provide an overview of the developments in the gay male community throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
Level of Degree
Degree Name
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Virginia J. Scharff
Second Committee Member
M. Jane Slaughter
Third Committee Member
Howard Neil Rabinowitz
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Evans, Daniel L.. ""All is not dead here in the desert": The Development of Albuquerque's Organized Gay Community." (1992). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hist_etds/284