Foreign Languages & Literatures ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-7-2023
This thesis explores the operation of the tragic in Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native by taking as a starting point the formalist approach to the genre of tragedy, before extending its definition to encompass the key concept of tragic conflict. This thesis argues that Hardy’s tragic vision takes for object human history, and especially the effects of new, unveiled knowledge on the human psyche, thus locating the root cause of tragedy in these contingencies. This continuum between individual action and the larger historical causes that shape it is expressed via the narrator’s discourse, and the discrepancy between his broader knowledge of his characters’ situations and their blind recourse to a dominant power in charge. Then, using Michel Foucault’s concept of the dispositif, this work analyzes the tragic fates of the novel’s female protagonists. Finally, this thesis explores the progressive potentialities in The Return of the Native with regards to the social structure contemporary to its writing.
Hardy, Tragic, Fate, History, Apparatus, Victorian
Document Type
Degree Name
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Rajeshwari Vallury
Second Committee Member
Dr. Pamela Cheek
Third Committee Member
Dr. Pim Higginson
Recommended Citation
Pageze, Tristan. "Tragic Fate and History in Thomas Hardy's "The Return of the Native"." (2023). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/fll_etds/166
Included in
Comparative Literature Commons, French and Francophone Language and Literature Commons, German Language and Literature Commons