Earth and Planetary Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 10-12-2023
Las Huertas in the Sandia Mountains relies on snowmelt, monsoonal recharge, and groundwater inputs. Our hypothesis, the proportion of groundwater contribution varied spatially and temporally, was assessed by observing travertine and multiple geochemical tracers to differentiate water balance components. We report 26 samples from 13 locations (sampled between 2021-2023). Major ion and isotopic analysis indicated Las Huertas headsprings vary spatially. Capulin Spring has higher salinity; major ions suggest recharged waters are a mix of CaCO3-rich and sulfate-chloride-containing water. The proportion of groundwater to spring discharge is a mix of winter and summer precipitation. Travertine supersaturation is seasonal, with variations downstream, suggesting seep from near-surface karst. Major ions show greater dissolved ions in baseflow seasons and less in runoff seasons. Las Huertas springs differ from springs down the Madera dip-slope – by CO2 manifested by travertine deposition - high CO2 is from the limestone aquifer and external CO2, likely from deep sources.
Degree Name
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Laura Crossey
Second Committee Member
Rebecca Bixby
Third Committee Member
Karl Karlstrom
Fourth Committee Member
Tobias Fischer
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Townsend, Kambray A.. "HYDROCHEMISTRY OF AN ALPINE KARST SYSTEM, NORTHERN NEW MEXICO: LAS HUERTAS." (2023). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/eps_etds/368