English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-15-2021
Varying threads of identity poetics coalesce in this collection that interrogates contemporary America. Most poems incorporate a pantheon of pop cultural and historical characters dislocated from their typical contexts, in order to foreground fallacies of myth making and patriarchal society. The collection’s central piece, “An American Standard: An Essay” juxtaposes these poems through its longform approach to interrogating the topical violence playing out in America today. This piece plays out in four separate sections, each informing the next section as well as the full manuscript.
Degree Name
MFA Creative Writing
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lisa Chavez
Second Committee Member
Gregory Martin
Third Committee Member
Cedar Brant
Fourth Committee Member
Kevin Prufer
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Garcia, Seth. "American Standard." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/331