English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this book is to bring together Gerard Manley Hopkins' literary criticism. At present his critical remarks are scattered at random throughout four volumes, the large volume containing his journals and papers, and the three volumes of his letters to Bridges, to Dixon, and to Patmore, Baillie, and others. These books of course contain much that has nothing to do with criticism, so that the reader interested particularly in his literary judgement and taste must undergo constant interruption and distraction. It has long been felt that a single volume would be desirable which separated out and arranged his critical thought, and as early as 1946 Mary G. Lloyd Thomas remarked that such a work was being prepared for the Oxford University Press--but it has not appeared.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Cecil Vivian Wicker
Second Committee Member
Hoyt Trowbridge
Third Committee Member
George Warren Arms
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Ochshorn, Myron. "Hopkins the Critic: The Literary Judgement and Taste of Gerard Manley Hopkins, With an Appendix on His Verse Theory." (1963). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/251