English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Very much and very excellent and scholarly work has been accomplished in the field of Chaucerian criticism; but this criticism, in the main, has been in such fields as technique and interpretation of Chaucer's poetry, Chaucer's pilgrims, tale-order, in the structure and explication of the original tales, and in special studies like the "Marriage Group" or "preestes.thre." It should be said in the beginning that this study does not pretend to throw any light upon such problems as have already been thoroughly investigated. My approach is to examine the structural elements between and among the tales which bind the tales into a single, unified poem. This approach to the Canterbury Tales has been touched upon by several authors; but no work seems to have been published which deals with the complete work or large part of the Tales. For this approach, I am indebted to the study by George L. Kittredge in which he examines some of the structural elements among and between the tales which constitute the "Marriage Group."
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Second Committee Member
T.M. Pearce
Third Committee Member
Norton Barr Crowell
Canterbury Tales, Analysis, Interpretation
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Bussell, Archie. "An Analysis and Interpretation of the Structural Elements in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales." (1951). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/105