Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
This study is part of a wider study funded by the New Mexico State Department of Education (NMSDE) entitled the Pilot Study of Service Delivery Models in Special Education in New Mexico (Keefe, Ware, & Blalock, 1997). The purpose of this study is to compare inclusive and non-inclusive models of education with regard to student outcomes. The literature review will show how this project adds to the research base on outcomes. This portion of research was chosen because it was able to describe the relationship between ecological variables and student outcomes in a school committed to providing and supporting students within an inclusive educational environment. The current research is based on four questions.
1: How do levels of active academic response, task management, and competing behaviors vary for individual students and students within general and special education?
2: What are the most frequent ecological variables that characterize the inclusive classroom?
3: How does instructional grouping affect academic response, and competing behaviors?
4: Does teacher behavior or focus affect active academic response variables?
New Mexico State Department of Education
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Ruth Luckasson
Second Committee Member
Linda P. Ware
Third Committee Member
Elizabeth B. Keefe
Recommended Citation
Lieberman, Neal Reid. "An Ecobehavioral Study of Elementary Students With Disabilities In An Inclusive Classroom." (1998). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/32