Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Statement of the problem. It is the purpose of this study to evaluate the status of twelve selected public secondary schools in New Mexico in terms of an adequate physical education program as advocated by the Committee on Curriculum Research of the College Physical Education Association. To effect this evaluation, the study will analyze (1) the program of activities offered; (2) the facilities available; (3) The supplies and equipment available and in use; (4) the facilities for medical examinations and health services available to the students; (5) the organization and administration of the class programs; and (6) the administration of interschool athletics in the twelve New Mexico high schools.
Document Type
Degree Name
Physical Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lloyd Robert Burley
Second Committee Member
Bonner Milton Crawford
Third Committee Member
George Walter White
Recommended Citation
Reitmann, Richard Henry. "An Evaluation of the Physical Education Programs in Twelve New Mexico High Schools." (1954). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_hess_etds/87