Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to examine HBCU (Historically Black College and University) intercollegiate athletic transportation practices and policies. This dissertation examined the transportation policies and procedures currently used by HBCU intercollegiate athletic programs. The study sought to answer the following research questions: 1. What are the current transportation policies, procedures and practices relative to : modes of transportation, policy development and communication, driver qualifications, vehicle maintenance, and the use of 12 & 15-passenger vans 2. What are the factors that contribute to mode of transportation? Ninety-nine HBCU athletic administrators were surveyed for this study using a 28-question survey developed by LaVetter (2004). The survey was administered online and had a sixty-seven (67.6%) response rate. Results from the study found that despite the NTSB warnings against 15-passenger van use HBCU continue to use them. The study found 15-passenger vans were used by the following teams: baseball, golf, mens & women's soccer and volleyball teams. These results were equivalent to pervious studies which reported similar sports teams using these vans. Findings indicated that HBCUs are being careless by not only using 15-passenger vans, but also by allowing 13 or more passengers to occupy the vehicle. Furthermore they continue to allow students to drive personal and university owned vehicles and tragically a significant number reported having no policy on travel hours, miles, and driver qualifications. These elements allowed the researcher to better understand that HBCU are struggling with adhering to recommendations and warnings that may keep their students and administrators lives out of danger. This study also showed forty (61.5%) reported allowing students to drive. Furthermore the study found that the average age of this student was 21, which is comparable to previous research. Even though 35.5% in this study and 46% in previous studies are restricting age to 21 for these drivers many hazards still surround them and their driving skills. Finally, these institutions must look at revamping their transportation practices, policies and procedures to include NTSB recommendations and safety routines. With incorporating these policies the institutions will face less risk in regards of transportation safety.'
College athletes--Transportation--United States, College sports--Risk management--United States, African American universities and colleges--Transportation--Safety measures, Vans--Accidents--United States
Document Type
Degree Name
Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
Level of Degree
Department Name
Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Scott, Dr. David
Second Committee Member
LaVetter, Dr. David
Third Committee Member
Barnes, Dr. John
Recommended Citation
Flowers, Courtney L.. "Death by Design: An Examination of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Intercollegiate Athletic Department Transportation Policies." (2009). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_hess_etds/11