Economics ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-27-1955
It is the purpose of the thesis on the basis of the evidence presented to demonstrate that technological development in the television industry resolves both the jurisdictional and unemployment problems. Rather than resorting to immediate objectives in their collective bargaining agreements with employers the unions should promote long-term programs consistent with technological change. In their historical patterns of collective bargaining the unions have not demonstrated this broad point of view. On the other hand management in the broadcasting-telecasting industry shares with labor this responsibility in meeting the problems of technological change. Too often management has been concerned with limiting the activities of unions without regard of the contributions of unions.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Economics
First Committee Member (Chair)
Second Committee Member
Howard V. Finston
Third Committee Member
N. Wollman
Unionism, Entertainment Industry, Collective Bargaining, Lea Act, Labor Management Relations Act of 1947
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Daniel, Noel Martin. "A Study of Unionism in the Broadcasting and Television Industries." (1955). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/econ_etds/69