Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 10-3-2023
This Ph.D. dissertation presents a pioneering Multi-Agent System (MAS) approach for intelligent network management, particularly suited for next-generation networks like 5G and 6G. The thesis is segmented into four critical parts. Firstly, it contrasts the benefits of agent-based design over traditional micro-service architectures. Secondly, it elaborates on the implementation of network service agents in Python Agent Development Environment (PADE), employing machine learning and deep learning algorithms for performance evaluation. Thirdly, a new scalable approach, Scalable and Efficient DevOps (SE-DO), is introduced to optimize agent performance in resource-constrained settings. Fourthly, the dissertation delves into Quality of Service (QoS) and Radio Resource Management using reinforcement learning agents. Lastly, an Autonomous, Intelligent AI/ML Framework is proposed for proactive management and dynamic routing in 6G networks, using advanced algorithms like Speed Optimized LSTM. Overall, the work holds substantial promise for transforming network management through automation, adaptability, and advanced intelligence.
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Intelligent Network Management, 6G Networks, Quality of Service (QoS), Reinforcement Learning Agents, Dynamic Routing
Document Type
Degree Name
Computer Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Michael Devetsikiotis
Second Committee Member
Sisay Tadesse Arzo
Third Committee Member
Ali Bidram
Fourth Committee Member
Riccardo Bassoli
Recommended Citation
Tshakwanda, Petro Mushidi. "Enabling Intelligent Network Management through Multi-Agent Systems: An Implementation of Autonomous Network System." (2023). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/630
Included in
Computer and Systems Architecture Commons, Data Storage Systems Commons, Digital Communications and Networking Commons, Systems and Communications Commons
Proactive Management, Speed Optimized LSTM, Next-Generation Networks, Agent-Based Design, Micro-Service Architectures, Python Agent Development Environment (PADE), Deep Learning Algorithms, Machine Learning, Radio Resource Management, Autonomous Network Systems,