Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
With water cooling becoming an affordable option both at home and at scale, it is important to consider the possible benefits over air cooling. There are several methods of liquid cooling, notables include: immersion, cold water cooling, and warm water cooling. The total cost of ownership is difficult to determine with these options as each has a different impact on the data center. Considering retrofit, over a new data center, introduces unforeseen variables that make cost analysis a challenge. Besides the added costs of additional infrastructure, and the cost to remove old, the upfront costs could be daunting. Therefore a cost analysis would be a study of its won. This study however hopes to reveal the resulting tradeoffs in temperature, performance, and power usage presented in the case between classical airflow based heat sink mechanisms to water provided directly at the heatsink. Having control over a discrete chiller will provide answers to the CPU temperatures, power usage, and performance at various inlet water temperatures. To water or to air?
water cooling, power savings, varied temperatures, performance, water vs. air, data center, compute cluster, jitter
This work was performed using facilities and resources at Los Alamos National Laboratory and was funded by the United States Department of Defense.
Document Type
Degree Name
Computer Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Plusquellic, James
Second Committee Member
Elshafiey, Tarief
Recommended Citation
Bonnie, Amanda. "Experimental Design and Comparative Testing of a Hybrid-Cooled Computer Cluster." (2015). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/36