Chemistry and Chemical Biology ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-12-2023
Square-planar compounds of the (dichalcogenolene)Pt(diimine) series are possess unique photophysical properties that include long-lived excited state lifetimes, which result in their being potential candidates for numerous applications. These applications include solar energy conversion, photocatalysis, nonlinear optics, and photoluminescent probes of biological systems. The most interesting feature of the (dichalcogenolene)Pt(diimine) series of molecules is the bpydichalcogenolene ligand-to-ligand charge transfer (LL’CT) band. To better understand their photoluminescent decay mechanism, and understand their excited dark state properties, we have synthesized and characterized new compounds that include (Thp-bpy)Pt(CAT), (Thp2-bpy)Pt(CAT), (Thp-bpy)Pt(bdt), and (Thp2-bpy)Pt(bdt). Through interpretation of electronic absorption, resonance Raman, XAS, photoluminesce spectroscopy, in addition to computational results and a time dependent theory of spectroscopy analysis for these complexes, we
have added new insight into their electronic and geometric structures. This has provided a deeper understanding of the photoluminescent decay mechanism. Electron spin polarization (ESP) is an important concept in quantum information science, which can be used to overcome the small population difference between the ms states at Boltzmann equilibrium. Previous studies showed that there are several factors that could control the sign and the intensity of the ESP, such as the sign of magnetic exchange coupling, the metal ion SOC constant, and the presence of localized radical excited states. In order to better understand the mechanism for generating ESP in these complexes, we have used the MBPDZ ligand and a pendant verdazyl radical (VDZ) covalently bound to the CAT in the synthesis and characterization of (MBPDZ)Pt(CAT) , (MBPDZ)Pt(CAT-VDZ) and (MBPDZ)Pt(CAT-NN). Through interpretation of electronic absorption, EPR, and TREPR spectroscopies, in addition to computational results and a time-dependent of spectroscopy analysis for these complexes, we propose a new mechanism for the generation of the ESP in these radical elaborated molecules.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
First Committee Member (Chair)
Prof. Martin L. Kirk
Second Committee Member
Prof. Terefe G. Habteyes
Third Committee Member
Prof. Dongchang Chen
Fourth Committee Member
Prof. Victor M. Acosta
Recommended Citation
Gao, Shiyue. "SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES OF NOVEL DONOR-ACCEPTOR COMPLEXES." (2023). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/chem_etds/191