Biology ETDs
Publication Date
This study evaluates the potential for competitive interactions between two species of cotton rat along the Rio Grande valley in New Mexico. Field work was carried out on Sigmodon hispidus and S. fulviventer from April, 1976 to August, 1976, at six study sites. Field data gathered included number of juveniles, number of pregnant females and vegetation diversity. Further studies included morphological analysis of museum specimens and a behavioral study of animals brought back to the laboratory.
Population parameters were compared across the study sites for the cotton rats. Neither species has a sex ratio significantly different from 50:50, but the per cent of pregnant females is significantly larger for S. hispidus than for S. fulviventer. No significant differences were seen in per cent of juveniles present, or in average litter size of the females.
A discriminant function analysis of the vegetation characterizes the habitats by the abundance of Scirpus paludosus. Habitats abundant with S. paludosus should contain S. fulviventer while habitats lower in abundance should contain S. hispidus. Dietary preferences of the cotton rats were determined by identification of clippings left by the cotton rats. No differences in preferred food items were observed.
Two separate morphological analyses were performed, one from skull and skin data, and the other from skeletal data. Sigmodon hispidus has longer hind legs, a higher radius:ulna ratio, and a short mandibular tooth row. These skeletal differences are discussed in relation to their possible behavioral/ecological significance.
Inter- and intraspecific interactions between the species showed no species differences and no well-defined avoidance/aggressive behavioral patterns.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
James Smith Findley
Second Committee Member
Frederick W. Taylor
Third Committee Member
Manuel Carl Molles
Recommended Citation
Petersen, Karen. "Ecological Comparison Of Sigmodon Hispidus And Sigmodon Fulviventer In The Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico." (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/527