Biology ETDs
Publication Date
Levels, sources, and biological influence of nitrogen and phosphorus in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona were examined. The reservoir, one of the three largest in the United States, is a mainstream impoundment on the Colorado River and is classified as a warm monomictic with meromixis exhibited in deeper waters.
Nutrient concentrations in the reservoir were characteristic of a mesotrophic lake. Mean total phosphorus concentration was 17 mg m-3 during the study, while total nitrogen averaged 531 mg m-3. Nitrate was the dominant form of nitrogen. Distribution of both nutrients exhibited patterns previously described for lakes to some extent, but were substantially influenced by density currents generated by the inflows of the Colorado River. Depletion of ortho-phosphate was common in the epilimnion during the summer months.
Project Sponsors
National Science Foundation
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
David Kidd
Second Committee Member
C.S. Crawford
Third Committee Member
L. Potter
Fourth Committee Member
Manuel C. Molles, Jr.
Fifth Committee Member
J. Gosz
Recommended Citation
Gloss, Steven Paul. "Application of the Nutrient Loading Concept to Lake Powell, the Effects of Nutrient Perturbations on Phytoplankton Productivity, and Levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Reservoir." (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/290