Biology ETDs
Publication Date
This paper is concerned with the changes in the vegetation of the Middle Rio Grande Valley resulting from the lowering of the water table in the soil adjacent to the river. The Rio Grande has for a long time carried a heavy suspension of silt which is deposited as the river pursues its course southward to the Gulf of Mexico. The channel of the river has been raised as the result of this deposition until in many cases it has reached a level above that of the surrounding valley, and when this condition was attained the river diverted to a new and lower channel. Historically, we know that the river has not always followed its present course, and evidences of older channels are to be found distributed across the valley.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
Willis H. Bell
Second Committee Member
Edward Franklin Castetter
Third Committee Member
Marshall Elmer Farris
Recommended Citation
Van Cleave, Marjorie. "Vegetative Changes in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District." (1935). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/256