Art & Art History ETDs

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From Introduction:

To study the culture or a people, to become acquainted with the arts, folklore, religion, industries, and traditions, past and present, of what seems to be a slowly dying Indian pueblo -- was the writer's main purpose when she became interest􀀲d in Sandia pueblo, a town or the old, old Tiguex province, so often mentioned in southwestern history and folklore.

One might ask what there could be of interest in that shabby little settlement off the main highway from Albuquerque to Santa Fe. To the unsympathetic outsider such a study as was conducted at Sandia might seem nothing more than mere fool's play, but to the archaeologist or the sociologist, Sandia immediately is a priceless thing.

We, who live in the Southwest, watch with much interest the growth and decline of these pueblos in the written and unwritten history or the Americas. Many or the pueblos existing today are now quite Mexicanized -­ and few of them are exactly on the old sites chosen by the Indians before the coming of the Conquistadores. There are certain interesting factors associated in our minds with many of the pueblos, such as the religious snake dance or the Moqui Indians or Arizona, Acoma, the City or the Sky, and Taos, known to us today as architecturally the most typical pueblo. To those who live among the pueblos there is ever an interest in new finds in connection with these brothers of ours. Thus it is with very great feeling that one finds new unusual features at tiny Sandia, which was in the direct path of most or the Spaniards who came to New Spain from the south.



Document Type


Degree Name


Department Name

UNM Department of Art and Art History

First Committee Member (Chair)

Edgar Lee Hewett

Second Committee Member

Mamie R. E Tanquist

Third Committee Member

Edward Franklin Castetter
