Art & Art History ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-18-1971
In this dissertation I trace the development of family (as opposed to public) memorial imagery and note the unique contribution of photography. I examine attitudes toward photography during its early years. These attitudes reveal that the medium was uniquely appropriate for the continuation and extension of the tradition of memorial imagery in America.
I suggest that America holds expectations for the Machine and for the power of Science that have at various times (the mid-nineteenth century and today) led some to assume that death is not inevitable and that physical Immortality is possible. From Puritan times, when death was accepted, to the present, when death is denied, I examine the changing attitudes toward death as evidenced in personal family memorial imagery.
Among the kinds of imagery and related artifacts discussed are: Puritan gravestones, mourning pictures, departure pictures, memorial jewelry, painted post-mortem portraits, glass coffins, stage illusions, magical apparatus, spirit albums, photographic mourning pictures, family albums, and "forever flasks".
Document Type
Degree Name
Art History
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Department of Art and Art History
First Committee Member (Chair)
Frederick Hammersley
Second Committee Member
Richard Rudisill
Third Committee Member
Douglas Roland George
Fourth Committee Member
Leonard Lehrer
Art History, Photography, Portrait Photography, Memorials, Gravestones, Puritanism
Recommended Citation
Snyder, Daniel Gyger. "American Family Memorial Imagery, the Photograph, and the Search for Immortality." (1971). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arth_etds/64
Colin & Jane - photo - 5 x 7.25 in - 12/1970
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Etched Mirror - 4.75 x 7 in - 1/1971
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Porch Group - acrylic - 32 x 36 in - 3/1971
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silk screen - acrylic - 28 x 32 in - 2/1971
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acrylic - 32 x 36 in - 3/1971
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Model - metallic/acrylic - 64 x 67 in - 11/1970
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Jane - photo - 5 x 7.75 in - 12/1970
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32 x 48 in - 4/1971
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Mr. Caulfield - oil on canvas - 32 x 48 in - 4/1971
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Colin - photo - 5 x 7.75 in - 12/1970
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Mr. C - metallic/acrylic - 60 x 64 in (approx) - 12/1970
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silk screen - acrylic - 40 x 44 in - 2/1971
PDF with image thumbnails and descriptions
slide-folder.jpg (573 kB)
Image of slide folder showing notations