Art & Art History ETDs
Publication Date
This dissertation is aimed at developing an art education teacher-training program that is consistent with the Nigerian traditional culture and the national goals of education.
In traditional Nigeria, amidst the network of fundamental religious beliefs, values, rites, and practices, creative activities are not given titles or names because art is a way of life that explains the past and helps Nigerians to relate to the present world. The arts mediate social relations, express emotion, and maintain social stability. However, years of colonial government brought an imposition of Western and Christian values on Nigerians. Nigeria has a rich culture with valuable educational resources. But, because the children have been alienated from the traditional way of life by Western education, a gap has been created between their lives and their formal education.
In order to bridge this gap the model of an art education teacher-training program based on the Cornfield model proposes a one year culturally-based teacher preparation program of art education that will occur in the totality of the school and the traditional society. This model offers the community, traditional elders, and religious leaders a chance to participate in the art education process. The model is based on the developmental needs of Nigerian children and on the philosophy that art is communal and a way of life.
Chapter I of the dissertation gives the background of the study. In Chapter II the components of Nigerian traditional arts and religions are described and the developmental needs of elementary school children in Nigeria are presented. Also, in this chapter, the review of curriculum models of art education and its relationship to the study are presented. Chapter III presents the art education teacher preparation program. Chapter IV presents a critique of the model and recommendations for further planning.
Document Type
Degree Name
Art Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Department of Art and Art History
First Committee Member (Chair)
Anne Taylor
Second Committee Member
Jim Srubek
Third Committee Member
Don Kelly
Fourth Committee Member
Ron Blood
Recommended Citation
Ajayi-Kardin, Olayinka. "A Curriculum Model For Teacher Art Education (P1-P3) In Nigeria." (1979). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arth_etds/221