Art & Art History ETDs
Publication Date
The chronological development of my art is discussed in relation to the ideas involved in the ark. The central notion, that art is an impulse which answers to the structure of the world, is dealt with in terms of how information and structure are presented, and represented, in my pictures. The first section deals with work done from 1971 to 1976. The second section deals with work done since arriving at the University of New Mexico in the fall of 1976.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Department of Art and Art History
First Committee Member (Chair)
Betty Hahn
Second Committee Member
Van Deren Coke
Third Committee Member
Thomas R. Barrow
Recommended Citation
Grady, Dennis Paul. "Response to Structure: An Explication of My Work." (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arth_etds/173