American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Poems of three contemporary Mexican poets, Alejandro Aura, Margarita Michelena and Efrain Huerta are presented in Spanish and English. In translating these poets I came to the conclusion that they had in common an attitude toward the writing of poetry that resulted in the creation for the reader or a dreamed reality, a state in which the poet is not only able to tap the subconscious structures of language but also able to move between the multiple levels of consciousness, revealing the connections between them, and achieving a fusion in created reality which is the poem. In the dream's creation the poet achieves an intellectual and emotional synthesis that reflects a society continually realized.
American studies as an academic discipline seeks to recognize and appreciate the many realities that make up our society. In this bilingual dissertation I have tried to broaden that recognition through the use of translation to include our living Spanish heritage as reflected in the poetry of three Mexican poets. The purpose of this bilingual approach was to demonstrate that translation is a valid tool for appreciating another culture and for gaining greater understanding of our own.
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Joel M. Jones
Second Committee Member
Mary L. Brower
Third Committee Member
Gene Frumkin
Recommended Citation
Rhodes, Robert Eugene. "Poems in Spanish and English of Alejandro Aura, Margarita Michelena and Efrain Huerta: Poets of the Dreamed Reality." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/83