American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
This dissertation traces the development of award winning children's author, Ann Nolan Clark, from her birth in Las Vegas, New Mexico Territory, through her early years of teaching and writing up to a period of re-dedication and commitment to her work, following the death of her son in World War II. The form of narrative biography was chosen for this work because Clark often used a variety of narrative techniques in the writing of historical profiles and biography.
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Marta M. Weigle
Second Committee Member
Ferenc Morton Szasz
Third Committee Member
Charles DeWayne Biebel
Fourth Committee Member
Patricia Clark Smith
Recommended Citation
Whitehouse, Jeanne Carolyn. "The Early Life of Ann Nolan Clark: A Contextual Biography." (1987). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/73