American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Through a variety of lenses, contemporary crafting is examined as a complex and contradictory gender and class performance that serves as a form of communication among women that both enables and contains oppositional and gender role explorations. Crafting is created through myriad texts which transform into an individual form of expression, a societal spectacle, a fashion trend, a subculture, an addiction, a coping mechanism, an oppositional act, and a means of healing both physically and emotionally. This study investigates how the objects women make and collect reflect and define crafters' negotiations between personal desires and public personas, help them voice their own identities, tell their own stories, and connect with -- or distance themselves from -- other generations of crafty women. The role of objects and their multiple meanings in individuals' lives is examined. Specifically, how objects narrate gender identity and debates, are evidence of resistance to dominant gender and class narratives, enable acceptance of economic and gender norms, and incorporate aesthetics and consumption.
Crafting, Gender, Feminism, Folk Art, Cataclysm, Collecting, Folklore
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Rebecca Schreiber
Second Committee Member
Michael L. Trujillo
Third Committee Member
Ronda Brulotte
Fourth Committee Member
Joyce Ice
Recommended Citation
Sallee, Rosemary L.. "Femmage And The DIY Movement: Feminism, Crafty Women, And The Politics Of Gender Performance." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/48