American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 8-1-2023
Throughout this dissertation, I argue that US imperial knowledge production affirms US exceptionalism by disavowing the imperial violence wrought on the Philippines and its people. This disavowal not only renders the Philippines and Filipinx bodies illegible, but also haunts the Filipinx American diaspora. I argue that the haunted logics of empire are a set of relations, rather than specters of specific times and places, in which knowledge and power work together to continually produce and reproduce a specific and limiting reality and sensorium through which to view the world. In my interrogation of empire’s haunted logics, I not only look at the ways in which the Filipinx and the Philippines is rendered unknowable, but also how Filipinx Americans in the contemporary period encounter, work through, ignore, negotiate, come to terms with, and imagine beyond this haunting through their relationship to its spectral evidence. I look at cultural production as a space where the materiality of Filipinx America’s haunting – the spectral evidence – can be sensed through ghosts, ugly affects, memories in the flesh, and symphonies of rage. More specifically, I am interested in how Filipinx America becomes aware of the aesthetics of empire’s haunting – the very principles and values that empire demands we believe and adhere to, and which shape our visual, sonic, sensory, temporal, and spatial experiences of this world. I offer Filipinx American critique as a way to name the critical discourse that emerges from empire’s spectral evidence. Filipinx American critique disrupts epistemological formations that mark Filipinx American being through dismissal, disavowal, silencing, erasure, or assimilation and provides an opportunity for imagining genealogies of Filipinx being in the past, present and future that exist beyond haunting narratives of empire.
Filipinx America, Empire, Haunting, Queer of Color Critique, Cultural Production, Aesthetics
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Rebecca Schreiber
Second Committee Member
Francisco Galarte
Third Committee Member
Antonio T. Tiongson, Jr.
Fourth Committee Member
Danika Medak-Saltzman
Fifth Committee Member
Sarita See
Recommended Citation
Bock, Alana J.. "THE HAUNTING AESTHETICS OF EMPIRE: FILIPINX AMERICA, US EMPIRE, AND CULTURAL PRODUCTION." (2023). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/125
Included in
American Studies Commons, Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Commons, Visual Studies Commons