United States-Mexico Law Journal | Law Journals | University of New Mexico

United States - Mexico Law Journal (1993-2005)



United States-Mexico Journal was a legal journal published from 1993 to 2005 by the United-States Mexico Law Institute Inc. and New Mexico Law Review at The University of New Mexico School of Law in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This site is an online archive of the print journal.

Journal History

The idea for this journal began in 1990 when a group of Mexican and United States lawyers met at the conclusion of an American Bar Association International Legal Exchange program in Mexico. With the goal of continuing the quality of the education program they just experienced, they discussed bringing together U.S. and Mexican attorneys and legal scholars to continue to educate attorneys from both countries. Because of its strategic location, New Mexico was chosen as the site for the annual conference. A not-for-profit corporation, The United States-Mexico Law Institute, Inc., was organized in 1992 in New Mexico. The long-range goals of the founders were: promotion of research on and analysis of legal problems common to the United States and Mexico; the study of the administration of justice in both countries; the provision of a regular forum for attorneys, judges, government officials, and legal scholars to meet and share opinions with their counterparts from the other country; and the annual publication of the papers presented at the conference through the United States-Mexico Law Journal.

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Current Volume: Volume 13 (2005) Review of current Issues Affecting Economic Development in Mexico (Vol. 13, 2005)


Front Matter
United States-Mexico Law Journal


United States-Mexico Law Journal


Panel Discussion: Post-NAFTA Conflicts
Jimmie V. Reyna, Miguel Jauregui Rojas, Judith Golub, and Stuart Broom


Panel Discussion: International Tort Litigation Involving the United States and Mexico
Larry Waks, Carlos Loperena, and Leonel Pereznieto Castro